Intentional Tattoos

Intentional Tattoos with Sophie Elizabeth

Intentional tattooing is more than just walking into a shop, getting tattooed and off you go (of course if that’s your type of thing, great! Absolutely no shame in that). Intentional tattooing is about infusing the design and marking with magick, meaning and purpose. This is more than just a tattoo, but a scared energy transfer of transformation and self expression. 

I have tattooed for over 10 years now, and along the journey in my tattooing career have managed to create a service that is not only fulfilling to me but also the client, weaving in my own practises and working alongside the client to create something unique and personal. 

My tattooing practise is rooted with intention to create ceremonial elements to your appointment, whether you just want an intuitively drawn custom design with no additional elements or you want to go deeper into the work with a meditation, energy healing and card readings, you can make the appointment suited to your needs and practises. 

How to book:

I offer both custom design work and have a range of predrawn designs to choose from (see my Instagram @sophieelizabethtattoo story highlights to see what designs I have available to choose from). 

I open and close my books seasonally, my books are currently OPEN for Spring bookings, click here to find my booking form. 

Sign up to my mailing list here, to be notified of my books opening, cancellations and design releases or keep an eye out on my Instagram for updates.


I am mainly based at my studio in Accrington, NW England. But I often travel down to Cornwall throughout the year. Again, feel free to follow my Instagram to keep up to date on when I’ll be travelling down to Cornwall.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to shoot me an email on and I’ll get back to you ASAP! 

Thanks for your interest in my tattoo services, I hope to work with you soon ✨ 

Sophie 🤍