Full Moon in Gemini

Full Moon in Gemini

The full moon in Gemini is full of that Kundalini energy of transformations from within. This moon is also known as the Cold full moon and comes in full force on the 15th December. With it brings energies of pulling away from your comfort blanket, removing the mask and getting clear on who and what you want.

Why is it called a Cold full moon?

The December full moon is often called the Cold full moon to symbolise the cold setting in as we enter the Winter season. It is also known as the ‘Long Night’s Moon’. 


Gemini influences

This particular full moon is in the sign of Gemini, which is the thinker and curious mind. This full moon will illuminate any limiting beliefs you have and any self sabotaging energy around you. You may have feelings that your desires and dreams are unrealistic and out of reach. These limiting beliefs could be habits, people, places, thoughts. Whatever it is, it’s time to declutter this so you get in full alignment with your goals and desires. Sit down and deep dive into a journal, get curious with yourself and ask yourself questions. 

Gemini is an air sign, and with that brings more thoughts, intuitive downloads and communication. You may find yourself overwhelmed in your thoughts, communications getting lost with others and just overall, a bit scattery. This is all normal during this moon, and just take the time to give yourself a declutter of your mind. 

This moon is about clearing the mind, getting clear on your ambitions, letting go of what’s holding you back and from there, taking inspired action. Lean into the energy of the sun in Sagittarius, who’s focused on the long game rather than the situations you’re in now. 

Full Moon conjunction with Jupiter

This conjunction will make everything feel much more grander than it is. Small wins will feel like huge accomplishments, whilst little mistakes will feel like a complete disaster. Bear this in mind whilst you navigate this moon, that not everything is as magnified as it seems. 

Tips on how to harness this energy:

  • COMMUNICATIONS Think before you speak. 
  • JOURNALING Clarity will be coming through loud and clear, but first you need to declutter any limiting beliefs. Journaling is an excellent method to tap into your subconscious mind and release anything holding you back. (Our full moon ritual kit is the perfect journaling guide!).
  • SELF CARE If you feel your mind is a bit all over the place, do some self care practises. Whatever you usually do to wind down, however I would avoid using social media as a past time as this can add to the overstimulated mind. Take a bath, read a book, go on a walk, clear your mind. 
  • MEDITATION Another amazing way to clear the mind, put on a guided meditation especially one for gaining clarity and clearing limiting beliefs. 
  • FULL MOON RITUAL Our full moon ritual supplies you with the tools you need to anchor in this energy! Each full moon ritual kit changes with the changing moons, so each cycle the ritual kit changes slightly to suit the energies that moon brings. To get the ritual kit for this full moon, order here

Enjoy this full moon my loves! Head over to our instagram and let us know what you get up to in our full moon post.

Sophie x

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