Full Moon In Taurus
The full moon in Taurus, also known as the Beaver full moon, comes in full force on the 15th November and with it brings energies of stability and grounding along with the transformational energies thanks to Uranus.
Why is it called a Beaver full moon?
This name comes from the Native Americans as it would be a time that beavers were most active building their own shelters and winter dams ready for the colder months. It is also said that the moon gets its name because people would set beaver traps to catch beavers for their furs, which would make sense with the beavers being most active.
Another name for this full moon is the Frost Moon, as we start to see the lands first frosts as winter approaches.
Taurus influences
This full moon is all about letting go of anything not serving you that you may of been holding onto, getting secured and grounded. It is about commitment and getting clear on what you want to manifest in your life.
Change is a big theme with this full moon and whilst the stubbornness of Taurus can sometimes make it difficult to let go of something, allow the releasing energy of this full moon guide you to release anything that isn’t serving you. The Taurus energy can then guide you back on the track of clarity. It is this zodiac that is most abundant, so it’s a perfect time to start looking for the abundance in your health, relationships and anything that brings you joy, not just the typical financial wealth.
Taurus brings the grounding through its earthy element. It is encouraged to get out in nature during this time to help you bring that sense of security and safety. Often during big transformational periods it’s easy to get lost away with it all. Make sure you schedule sometime during this full moon for yourself to bring yourself back to earth.
Full Moon conjunction with Uranus
The transformational and big change energy from this full moon comes from Uranus being just one degree away. Uranus is known as the planet of change and transformations, but with this energy it can awaken inspirations, desires and rekindle your goals. This energy can be intense, which is why it’s important to lean into that Taurus safety blanket.
Tips on how to harness this energy:
- GROUNDING Tap into that Taurus energy, go outside and take in nature.
- JOURNALING Ideas will flow easily to you in this energy. Some new ideas may come forward, but don’t be afraid if you gain the clarity of letting go of some ideas you’ve been working on. (Our full moon ritual kit is the perfect journaling guide!)
- TAP INTO ABUNDANCE Treat yourself, it doesn’t have to be expensive. It doesn’t have to be huge. But now is a time to tap into that abundance energy.
- BRING SOME GREEN INTO YOUR HOME Taurus’ abundance energy thrives around nature, bring nature into your home by purchasing some flowers or a new house plant to bring that abundance energy into your home.
- SELF CARE Another grounding exercise is self care. Schedule out some time to enjoy a long bath, cook yourself a nutritious meal and practise some mindfulness.
- VISUALISATION Take advantage of that Uranus energy and practise some visualisation. Put on some music that uplifts you and close your eyes. Visual your dream life as the music plays. Visualisation is such a powerful tool to unlocking your desires and perfectly aligns with the law of attraction!
- FULL MOON RITUAL Our full moon ritual supplies you with the tools you need to anchor in this energy! Each full moon ritual kit changes with the changing moons, so each cycle the ritual kit changes slightly to suit the energies that moon brings. To get the ritual kit for this full moon, order here by the 12th November.
Enjoy this full moon my loves! Head over to our instagram and let us know what you get up to in our full moon post.
Sophie x